"Typical Products"

Olive growing and viticulture

"Typical Products" Copyright Tonino Paolini - courtesy of the town of Corinaldo


The olive tree, before being an agrarian culture, it's a passion. As such in the valley the production is little but of great quality... whether it variety Raggia, Leccino or others.
The plant has become a symbol for the people of the Valley, featuring the environment, traditions, history, culture. Olive cultivation seems to have overcome its long period of crisis, with cultivation plants compatible with existing DOP and with those in the process of being obtained.
A decisive re launch of grape-growing and olive-growing sections occurred as a result of obtaining the typicality by important local products (the DOC for the Red Pergola and the DPO for the oil area of Cartoceto), due to the recovery of investments in the production, processing, promotion and marketing of products.


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